6 Benefits of Attending Mediation

July 10, 2023
Posted in Mediation
July 10, 2023 Plat Simionati

6 Benefits of Attending Mediation

Disclaimer: This article aims to provide educational information on mediation and divorce in Ontario. It is not intended to serve as legal advice. Consult with a lawyer and exercise your discretion before taking action based on the information provided in the blog. 

Our previous article discussed mediation’s role in the family law system and how the process works.  Continuing on that topic, this article will explore why you should consider pursuing mediation.

At Plat Simionati LLP, Sean Plat, a skilled and experienced mediator, offers professional mediation services tailored to the unique needs of individuals navigating family law matters. With a deep understanding of the intricacies of the legal system and a commitment to facilitating constructive dialogue, Sean Plat guides clients through the mediation process with empathy and expertise. 

Let’s discuss some of the benefits of mediation. 

Mediation results in more timely resolutions

The delay associated with obtaining a court date can be frustrating and stressful for separated couples seeking to address critical issues or resolve disputes. By returning to mediation, couples can bypass the lengthy court process and work towards a timely resolution. Even if mediation does not resolve all outstanding issues, you can address the most pressing ones. 

Mediation is less expensive than going to court

There are certain costs involved in mediation that couples should be aware of. These expenses typically include sharing the cost of the mediator’s time and any administrative fees or charges associated with the mediation process.

These costs pale in comparison to the cost of retaining a family law lawyer to attend court on your behalf. In some cases, going to court can be very expensive, encompassing expenses such as lawyer fees, court filing fees, expert witness fees, and other associated costs. 

Closed mediation is confidential. 

Closed mediation is confidential, meaning discussions and information shared during the process are generally not disclosed outside the mediation sessions. 

This process keeps your private matters confidential and creates a safe environment where you can be honest, open, and forthcoming during mediation. Closed mediation fosters trust, encourages you to dig deeper into underlying concerns, and creates longer-lasting resolutions.

Mediation is interest-based

One key aspect of mediation is that it is interest-based. Unlike adversarial court proceedings, mediation prioritizes the interests and needs of all parties involved.

This interest-based approach allows for creative problem-solving. You can explore alternative options that a judge may not consider in a traditional courtroom setting. It promotes a cooperative and collaborative environment where the parties work together to find common ground and reach agreements that meet their needs.

You can return to mediation at any time 

Mediation is a helpful tool for developing an initial plan when separating or divorcing. However, as we mentioned before, life is dynamic. 

The plan that you came up with will likely have a shelf life, especially if you are co-parenting. Your children will have different needs as they grow, and the plan will likewise evolve. You or your ex-spouse’s financial situation may change, one of you may want to relocate, or other new challenges may arise. 

Returning to mediation allows you to collaboratively address new challenges, revise agreements, and ensure the plan is tailored to everyone’s best interests.

Mediation is empowering

In court, decision-making authority rests solely with the judge, and the parties are bound to abide by the judgments delivered. By comparison, mediation empowers the parties involved to actively participate in the decision-making process and directly impact the outcome.

The issues you seek to resolve will have a tangible impact on your day-to-day living and impact on each member of your family. With mediation, you have the autonomy to design a tailored plan that aligns with your family’s dynamics and circumstances.

Book your family law mediation with Plat Simionati LP 

Family law mediation offers a genuinely empowering and constructive approach to resolving disputes and making important decisions. By choosing mediation, you can actively shape outcomes that directly impact your family’s future. 

Because it is more collaborative than heading to court, mediation fosters open communication, preserves relationships, and allows for customized solutions. 

To begin your mediation journey, book your family mediation with Sean Plat. With over 25 years of family law experience,  Sean has undergone comprehensive training as a mediator, equipping him with the necessary skills and knowledge to guide parties in resolving their issues outside the courtroom. Learn more about Sean and book a consultation with our team today!